I first encountered Ayn Rand (her first name, she said, rhymes with
swine) late one night in the fall of my freshman year in college. I was quite
entranced for nearly half an hour, but as Bill Clinton said of another youthful
indiscretion, “I never inhaled.”
The Ayn Rand encounter was, I thought, a sort of “rite of passage;”
something everybody did at least once. But it was not anything to be taken
In recent years that has changed. Ayn Rand has been rescued from
obscurity and is being discussed as an important thinker.
For Christians, this presents a challenge that cannot be ignored. Rand
was one of the most famous atheists of the twentieth century. But for
Christians, her atheism is not the most important issue. Unlike the theoretical
atheism of those who reject idea of God as unnecessary or unscientific, Rand’s rejection
is primarily a moral one. Many atheists reject Christian theology while
expressing an admiration for the ethics of Jesus. Rand rejects Christian ethics
as “immoral.”
Onkar Ghate, a Senior Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute, posted an essay
last summer on the Fox News Website titled, “Does America Need Ayn Rand or
Jesus?” His closing argument is that when it comes to foreign policy, Jesus’
admonition to “turn the other cheek” would be counter-productive at best, and
is not an idea that we could or should embrace. This does not come as news to
anyone who has read Reinhold Niebuhr (or Karl Barth, or Paul Tillich, or
Dietrich Bonhoeffer) or even glanced at “Just War Theory.” For most Christians,
“turning the other cheek” is not an all-purpose response.
But Ghate is to be commended for his honesty in clearly stating that Rand
opposed the central core of Jesus’ teaching. If the rich young man described in
Mark’s Gospel had come to Ayn Rand rather than to Jesus, she would have told
him to keep his money and enjoy his possessions; that he has no responsibility
beyond his own self-interest.
Hers is a curiously non-ethical ethics. Historically, the task of ethics
has been to balance the self-interest of the individual against the needs and
interests of the community. Ethics restrains our natural selfishness. In Rand’s
system selfishness is a virtue. Ghate explains:
In Rand’s argument, morality is not about subordination or service to
others or to some “higher power”; it is not about self-sacrifice. Hers is a
morality that upholds egoism and individualism: it seeks to teach you the
difficult task of pursuing the values that achieve your own individual
self-interest and happiness.
In the ethics of Ayn Rand, pursuing your
own self-interest and happiness is a “difficult task.” And she believed it was “immoral”
to love others more than you love yourself.
Ghate is right. We have to choose Ayn Rand
or Jesus. We can’t have both.
Jesus said that the greatest commandment
was to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and
strength, and your neighbor as yourself” (combining Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and
Leviticus 19:18). For Ayn Rand there is no place for God or neighbor, your only
responsibility is to love yourself.